Saturday, April 02, 2011

The prodigal blogger

Oh, I've been very bad, haven't I? This is the first time I've been back here since my happy news. I might as well fess up: I hate blogging with the burning passion of a thousand fiery suns. ;)

I've been trying to spend my few blogging brain cells on the official author blog:, but to bring you up to date, I spent most of December revising the manuscript of The House of Arkhangel'sk, which went out on submission in early January. We've had a few passes so far, but there are several editors we're still waiting to hear from, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that at least one of them will fall madly in love with Anazakia and the boys. The print publishing world moves at a snail's pace, and fantasy tends to move even more slowly than other genres due to the limited number of editors dedicated to it at each house, but I've waited this long to reach my goal; what's a few more months?

In the meantime, my other happy news that I may have overlooked on this blog is that my novella The Devil's Garden was accepted by Carina Press (Harlequin's fledgling e-only imprint) in October. TDG had a false start earlier last year when it was initially accepted by a different publisher who later dropped it because I wouldn't change the character's age, so I was very happy that it finally found a home.

So after THOA went out on submission, I spent the next several weeks on edits and revisions on TDG. The final copy went to production at the end of February, and  a few weeks ago the cover was finalized. Is that not the most awesome cover ever?? Okay, maybe I'm a little biased. ;) The release date for TDG is June 27, 2011.

If you want to read more about it, check out my post A Book By Its Cover on the Jane Kindred blog, and the blurb on the TDG page. (I also have a Facebook page for it, if you want to see the same information in several places. LOL.) And if you really can't get enough of me ~snort~ I also blog as Jane Kindred at Here Be Magic.

But I promise to be better about keeping up with—oh, hell, who am I kidding? I'm the world's worst blogger. I may have to start posting random "man candy" like my friends Allison Pang and Marie Sexton to get you all to come back. ;D (Or girl candy; I can go either way.)


  1. Don't worry. I've barely blogged myself recently. There are too many things to do, it seems. No one should feel guilty about not being able to blog. Sometimes there are more important things ... like, say, actually writing. :)

  2. Oh, if only I'd been doing actual writing lately. ;) But it's a new month and it's time for a renewed goal to finish my current WIP.

  3. It is an absolutely gorgeous cover!

  4. I think your author blog will soon become top priority. You still want to keep your old friends up to date, but you also want to make as many people as possible eager to buy your book as soon as it comes out. Have you been thinking about publicity?

  5. What lstaylor said... I just started my blog a few weeks ago (Jane's interview goes up this coming Friday!)but it's a bit too much like a new toy at the moment and it has definitely had a negative impact on my WIP.

    Is Betty going to do any more writing? Or is everything going to be Jane now?
