Thursday, January 07, 2010

This's making me mental

Just a quick follow-up to yesterday's whine-fest to report that the agent I queried before Christmas responded today...and has requested a partial of my manuscript. [Brief, undignified dance ensues.]

Maybe I am in the ballgame after all.

If there's one thing I've learned from the overflowing cup of writing and publishing advice available on the Web, it's that any given drop may be both absolutely right and absolutely wrong. Simultaneously. Like a character in a Dickian dystopia, you never know which truths apply to you. Because it's all true. Until it's not.

And here's what my little undignified dance looked like, in case you were curious:


  1. CONGRATULATIONS! See--that is HUGE :-) Love the dance btw

  2. Adorable. And so excited for you! Still crossing fingers and sending good wishes...
